Get the most out of your summer buys!! No where to go... so what! Create a place to wear your outfits while recharging your mental. Many people love the outdoors. Take you a nice trip to a secluded beach (early hours or late for heavy traffic beaches) grab your favorite summer dress, swimsuit or shorts and off you go! If you are totally uncomfortable leaving your house at all, create your very own oasis. Every pay period buy something small, you will soon see the progression of your creation. Start small by beginning with pillows, art work, rugs or candles. Take pictures and share on social media. Everyone loves a great photo.
No one to take pictures of you? Invest in a remote tri-pod. Life is to be lived, "who has time to search around to ask strangers to take pictures of you?!" We don't know how long this pandemic will last but we do know if we choose our fashions wisely they will last us or someone we gift our items to for a very long time! Don't be afraid to invest in you and treat yourself.